Day 31 - Bye-Bye
I'll blog again soon...just not tomorrow...
With love-
Day 30 - To Kate
You are now a little over 4 years old. I've noticed in the past few months that you've become more of a little girl than the baby you once were. I overheard your father a few nights ago tucking you into bed and he mentioned the same thing. He told you, "I already miss you." It makes me cry just thinking of what he said. I can see you growing up.You are no longer a baby. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day"difficulties" of having young children but I'm trying to be careful and pay attention so I won't miss anything. I don't want to waste the time we have together while you are still under our care. Oh how thankful I am for you. The Lord has used you in my life in great ways .
You are starting to be a big help to me. You can do many things independently and love to "watch" your brother and sister. That big sister in you is definitely coming out.
You've been doing things alone with daddy now for the past few months and you really love your time together. You also love making pictures and crafts for him. You honestly make him at least 5 things a day.
You have a sweet heart and tells me frequently that you are thankful God gave you a sister (or a brother, or me, or daddy, or your cereal.) I pray that you will always be thankful to the Lord for everything as long as you live.
I love you my big girl!
Day 29 - Warning to Kate's future husband
Day 28 - Junk Drawer Part 2
Day 27 - Mothers should always carry quarters
Day 26 - Emma is 18

My baby sister Emma turned 18 on Sunday. When I was 18, Emma was just 6 years old and I remember thinking that I'd be 30 when Emma was 18. Wow! Well, she's 18 and I'll be 30 in less than 5 weeks! Speaking of sisters looking alike (see here) people always say Emma and I look alike. She's called me a couple of times because her friends (that I have never met) will call her because they've seen someone who looks just like her (me) out with Rick and our children.
Day - 25 - Post from Sarah
Kate: Why do you live in half a house?

Day 24 - John Bunyan
You can read the entire work here. This is very challenging and convicting and certainly worth the read.
Here are some other resources:
Day 23 - Pillowcase Dress
I made these sun dresses for the girls last week. These dresses are so easy. If you have a sewing machine (even if you've never turned it on) you can make these dresses.
Here are the directions I used:
All you'll need is 5/8 yard of fabric and 2 yards of matching ribbon. I put ric-rac on the bottom of my dresses and if you want that, you should probably buy 1.5 yards.
These dresses cost around $6 a piece to make.
I also made Henry some shorts. These cost about $3 to make. I'm going to get Lindsey to make him a shirt with an H on it to match.
Day 22 - The Jesus Storybook Bible

"It wasn't long before everything went wrong again but God wasn't surprised, he knew this would happen. That's why, before the beginning of time, he had another plan - a better plan. A plan not to destroy the world, but to rescue it - a plan to one day send his own Son, the Rescuer. God's strong anger against hate and sadness and death would come down once more - but not on his people, or his world. No, God's war bow was not pointing down at his people. It was pointing up, into the heart of Heaven."
"Now, some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn't do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn't mainly about you and what you should be doing. It's about God and what he has done."
Day 21 - A Letter to Claire
You are now 1 month away from your third birthday! I can't believe how fast time is moving or how big you are now. You have always been a joy and a treasure to me and my joy is ever increasing. The Lord has given you a special place in our family. You are the only child that has an older sibling and a younger one. He has gifted you especially for your role. I can already see that you are more patient. I guess you have to be with all you have around you. I am the oldest in my family so I am not gifted in the same ways you are and so it's neat for me to see how the Lord works in your life. You are perfect for your place.
I wanted you to know that there are some wonderful teenagers in our church who play with you each Sunday. You LOVE to see them and ask about them during the week. These friends are more than generous in the time they spend with you. They play with you (chase you around church), give you gum and treats, and sometimes you even sit with them during Sunday night worship. You are truly blessed to have such wonderful, older people in your life. It makes me so happy to see you playing with them and to see them take such good care of you. I want you to remember the love you have been shown. When you are older, look out for younger children to love and spend time with. You will be a blessing to them. It will teach you to love others, and how to be patient (plus you will be doing a service to their mother.) I hope you will always remember the kindness you have been shown and thank the Lord for the gift of the body of Christ.
I love you...I love you -
Day 20 - Slag's Rags
Here are my shirts! You can also see Kate wearing her new shirt in the playground picture from yesterday's post.
Day 19 - THE Park
Day 18 - School and Opinions
This poll was, why do you think most parents send their children to secular schools, not why are you sending your child to a secular school. Obviously there are other possible reasons for sending your children to a secular school than those listed below.
Why Christians Send Their Children to Humanist Schools
From One News Now.com poll.
Why most Christian parents send their children to secular public schools instead of opting for private or home schooling. . . (34,476 responses)
70.5% - It's easier and less expensive than private or home schooling.
3.9% - Public schools offer a higher-quality education for their children.
3.0% - We should support education that is funded by tax dollars.
6.3% - Public education typically offers more extra-curricular activities.
8.7% - Public schools poses no threat to their family values.
Such polls are not scientific -merely anecdotal, but in general, I don't think most parents are aware of the power of ideas and the influence of education on the minds and souls of children. They are simply blind to any potential threat to their children's safety - spiritually, physically, or emotionally. They are reasonable happy with a culture that produces nihilistic music forms. They see nothing wrong with existentialism in movies like No Country for Old Men. They could hardly be bothered by Katy Perry's #1 pop tune that keeps running through the minds of their 14 year old daughters. They wouldn't recognize a Christian view of chemistry if it struck them in the back of the head with a lead pipe. They would see no need for the fear of God in a history class, because they haven't seen it in worship for 120 years.
Basically, the average parent today thinks this world is doing A-OK. They don't see that this particularly society is in all-out spiritual apostasy, moral free-fall, economic crisis, and political chaos - in the process of committing cultural suicide. Maybe they don't want to see it. Maybe they like it.
This is the point at which I part ways with the majority. The average citizen (Christian, secularist, American, whatever) sees this culture as having taken a few nicks on the bumper. I see a cultural train wreck, an automobile smashed beyond recognition - the steering wheel is in the trunk.
Since our diagnoses are very different, of course the approach we take to fix the problems will be different as well.
I say, radical problems call for radical solutions.
Day 17 - Sleeping Beauties
Day 16 - My ABC Bible Verses

This is a great book if you have young children. It's called, My ABC Bible Verses, and it's by Susan Hunt. There is a bible verse for each letter of the Alphabet and then a story to read to help children understand the meaning of the verse. The same characters are in every story so you really get to know them.
We've been using it this year and our children love it. We're on letter "Q" this week. Both girls know all the verses A - Q. It's so important to teach your children to hide God's word in their hearts and it's never too early to start. Claire is only 2 and does great with it.
One of the reasons I love this book is that it's so easy to practice. We'll be playing or riding in the car and I'll just say, "What's the "H" bible verse"? Also, not only do I use them in training my children, I often find myself meditating on the verses for instruction, comfort, etc.
This really is a great book and I would encourage you to get it and just focus on one verse per week.
Day 15 - My babysitter
Here's the conversation:
Me: I'm going to check my email, I'll be right back
Kate: OK Mommy, I'll watch these kids for you
Me: Thanks Kate
(I leave the room, hear screaming, and then hear Kate's footsteps running to me)
Kate: Uh...Mommy...you may want to come back in here...we have a problem
(I hurry back in the room and Claire and Henry are happily playing)
Kate: Mommy...I only had one rule...that they pay attention to me...and when I told it to them...they just started screaming
Day 14 - The love of a Mother
Those are the only 2 times I remember being "let down." Every other memory is good and I knew my mother loved me. She disciplined me but above all, she loved me.
I was one of those kids that cried when I left for college and was never away from home for more than 2 weeks because I missed my mom. When I was home, I never really went out with my friends because I wanted to be home.
I loved my mom (I still do). However, I honestly had no idea how much she loved me until Kate was about 1 month old. I remember holding Kate one day when she was a newborn and thinking how much I loved her and how it actually hurt I loved her so much. It's a feeling you can't explain to someone. I wondered if my mom had felt this way about me and when that feeling wanes....so I asked her. I said, "Mom, do you love me like I love Kate." She said, "No...I love you more than that."
As children, we never understand the love our parents have for us. As parents, we can never explain to our children how we love them.
So go kiss your babies AND your mom.
I love you mom
Day 13 - Oh How I Love Claire
I sure do love my tiny, big girl!
We Have A Winner!
It's Psalm 27:4
"One thing have I asked of the Lord,that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple."
This was the verse Rick and I had in our wedding program.
Here are the words she had, in order:
the, of, I, Lord, my, have, His, and, too, in, all, that
I'd say that was pretty good Mrs. Hill! I'll email you later today about your prize!
Day 12 - A Correction
After reading Peggy's post from yesterday, I felt it necessary to set the context for the statement for which she gave me credit. I considered suing for defamation, but felt it wise to keep this on the downlow and rely on the family blog to carry my message to the world.
In the post from yesterday, I was accused of telling my wife she looks old. Yes, I did say something similar to what her post indicates, but I'm pretty sure the quote is not exact. Also, she failed to note the context of the conversation in which those words were spoken. Allow me to fill you in and vindicate myself (if that is possible!).
A few nights ago we were discussing Question #2 from this post, and the conversation led into a discussion of our honeymoon plans. When we were planning our honeymoom, we visited a travel agent to discuss options. We settled on Playa Del Carmen, which is located south of Cancun in Mexico. We finalized arrangements and made a downpayment. Peggy was 22 years old in those days, and four days after planning our trip, the travel agent called to confirm that Peggy was at least 18 years old since I was taking her out of the country!
So, in context, my statement was an attempt to be kind. Yes, I understand I may need to choose my words better, but shouldn't we judge on the intentions of the heart? :).
As a final note, I've come realize that blogging 31 days in a row must be quite difficult because in the first 12 days I have already been called in for backup 3 times.
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: THAT
Remember, we're using the English Standard Version
Day 11 - Me and My Guys

Kate took this picture while we were on vacation.
One thing about my "older" guy...this is what he told me the other day:
"People think you look young...huh...sometime I look at you and think, WOW, you look old....well...i mean...it's probably just because you always have 3 kids hangin' on you."
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: ALL
Remember, the winner of the MYSTERY WORD contest is the first one to leave the correct verse as a comment. (MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME TOO!!)
Day 10 - The Interview
1. What is something your mom always says to you?
I love you
2. What makes your mom happy?
When I obey
3. What makes your mom sad?
When I don't obey
4 How does your mom make you laugh?
She tickles me
5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child?
6. How old is your mom?
7. How tall is your mom?
8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
Little Einsteins

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
11. What is your mom really good at?
Playing with me
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Not playing with me
13. What does your mom do for her job?
She takes care of us
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
A poptart
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
She plays with me
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

17. What do you and your mom do together?
We play and eat food
18. How are you and your mom the same?
We're both happy
19. How are you and your mom different?
She's taller than me
20. What does your mom like most about your dad?
Hugging him
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
A Mexican restaurant
I asked the same questions to Claire and she said "I don't know" for every question.
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: in
Day 9 - The List
Peggy has received several positive comments and emails about her 31 days of blogging, but I have recently come to the opinion that this may not be so great an idea. At the least, I have found that I may be in danger if she continues this endeavor.
I know many of you reading this may think I'm simply overreacting, but let me explain before you jump to conclusions about my sanity. I do not know if Peggy has asked the Lord for topics on which to write, but if she has, I fear He may have found it expedient (and quite humorous) to use me as the object of many of these posts.
Below is a list of things that have happened to me in the first 7 days of this quest. I have:
1. ...been pooped on
2. ...been thrown up on
3. ...nearly broken my neck
4. ...had to deal with a broken down car
5. ...been called home from work twice during the middle of the day for "emergencies"
6. ...drunk toilet water
This 31 days is killing me!
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: to
Day 8 - Reminiscing
I was thinking today about a time in my life many years ago as a young child. I remember I had gone with my dad to a neighbor's house. I cannot really remember why we were there, but our visit was short. The house was nice, clean, and inviting. I was offered a coke and as any youngster would do, I accepted. While this event may seem like any other normal event to all of you, I remember it because I gave back. Right before my dad wisked me home, I was kind enough to show them how clean their carpets were by returning the coke they had given me to the floor (along with my dinner). Yes, I had thrown up all over their nice clean carpets. I do not really remember those neighbors speaking with us very often after that night...
Why was I remembering this event today? We relived it last night. We were having a nice dinner at our neighbor's house until Claire cried out "My tummy feels funny, My tummy hurts!" Oh, if I had only understood her and had it click in my mind as to what the problem was. I carried her back to see Peggy, but before we made it, she saw fit to send her dinner onto the floors of two rooms, a hallway, and two walls.
Today, I am thankful the Lord had someone invent towels, Clorox wipes, and hardwoods!
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: and
Day 7 - Hilton Head Island
Henry on a stump
Family Picture
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: His
Remember, we are using the ESV translation
Day 6 - Why I love Kate at Age 4
Reason #74 - She dresses herself and can even brush her hair and put in a bow!
Reason #75 - She prefers to pick out her own clothes as you can see from this picture.
Reason #76 - The first thing she said to me when she revealed her outfit was, "Daddy's gonna LOVE this outfit."
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: have
Day 5 - My Favorite Questions
Number 3
Question: "Are those kids all yours?" or asked in the way I prefer, "Who's kids are those?"
Answer: Yep...these are my children! (Well, I think they are...I've been asked this so many times that I'm starting to have my doubts)
Number 2
After answering in the affirmative to question #3, I ALWAYS am asked...
Question: "How old are you?" - Yes strangers actually ask this...
Answer: I'm 29..I'll be 30 on May 1st. (Maybe one of them will buy me a gift)
Number 1 - This one is my favorite because I honestly just don't get it. This is by far the most popular question.
Question: "Are they twins?" (Kate and Claire)
Answer: Nope..they're 16 months apart
Hopefully you've learned a little something about me and the kids today! I'll leave you with a picture of our "twins" and the MYSTERY WORD of the DAY: my
Day 4 - Double DON'T
Apparently, it was Rick's turn for a "physical challenge" a few nights ago.
Rick was putting the girls to bed and had this conversation:
Claire: Daddy, can I have some water??
Rick: Sure (as he hands her a full glass of water that was on her nightstand)
Claire proceeds to take a TINY sip and then hand the glass back to Rick. Rick then notices that the water smells strange and he sniffs it and yes it smells slightly like Chlorine so he proceeds to TASTE it (not a tiny sip) and yes...it tastes funny.
Rick: (thinking, thinking, thinking....OH NO...SURELY IT'S NOT...) Claire, did you fill this cup up in the toilet?????
Claire: Yep!
I'd say 10 points go to the kids on that round.
The mystery word of the day is: LORD
Day 3 - Henry 15 months
It's a well know passage for a reason. Rejoice in affliction, in heartache, in times of thanksgiving.
I rejoice over you and I am thankful for you.
With all my love-
The mystery word of the day is: I
Day 2 - Who Needs a Cell Phone
Today I gathered all the kiddos up in the 30 degree weather to go to Target. Why?? I'm getting sick of toys so I wanted to go and get some big plastic boxes to put up some of our "baby" toys.
We start driving and before our car has time to warm up, and RIGHT before (about 50 feet away from) turning onto the interstate, my steering wheel locks up and my car shuts off.
Hmmm....it's FREEZING cold, my car is dead and I don't have a cell phone. I seriously thought about walking the 2 miles home but the road we were on was a busy road and honestly, I can't imagine walking that distance with a 4, 2 and 1 year old.
Thankfully, a very nice man stops and lets me use his cell phone. I call Rick at work, he's in a meeting and not at his desk. I suppose if we both had cell phones I could've "texted" him (even though I honestly don't know how to do that.) So I called my sister...who didn't answer her cell phone. My parents are out of town so now what do I do. I don't know anyone's number so I don't have anyone else to call. I guess if I had a cell phone I'd have some numbers in my phone right??
So I call Rick and Sarah back and tell them the situation and just ask them to come get me when they get the message. I thanked the nice man for the use of the phone and he goes on his way.
So we sit in the car and wait. (I should mention that the nice man pushed my van off of the road for me.) I tell everyone we need to pray that someone will come get us soon and that we won't be scared. Kate said we needed to pray that we would get warm. The girls are having a ball and start dancing in the car and singing. About 30 mins later, Rick and Sarah pull up AT THE SAME time to get me!
I was rescued! So as long as other people have cell phones, I'm still convinced that I don't need one. My dear friends, y'all keep your $90/month plans and just be sure to stop and help someone stuck on the side of the road! Who knows...it might be me!
The MYSTERY WORD of the day is: of
If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the post from Day 1.
Day 1 - The Snow
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
Psalm 51:7