
10 days old

Sims is now 10 days old. He is off the bilibed and has been since Saturday night. Thankfully, he was only on it for about 48 hours even though we thought it would be much longer than that. His bilirubin at the beginning of treatment was 19.4 which apparently is pretty high.

The other children are doing great with the new addition. Kate and Claire fight over holding him, Henry loves to ask where his tiny brother is, and Jack likes to hold him for approximately 0.4 seconds. Henry and Claire have been at VBS in Gadsden this week with Rick's parents so tomorrow is the first day I'll be solo with all 5 unless Rick decides to stay home and play with us (hint, hint.) In that case, Monday will be my first day. I'm ready to get back into a routine even though I'm still very tired.

Sims has been a great sleeper so far. Last night he slept from 10pm - 4am and then again until 8am. You may remember that Rick and I are sleep Nazis and work very hard to get our children to sleep through the night early and get them on a good nap schedule. Maybe we won't have to work so hard on this one!

We are so very thankful for our little crew. I pray that the Lord with give us all patience and gentleness in dealing with one another during the next weeks of sleep deprivation and adjustments. I pray we will be quick to repent, quick to forgive and quick to serve one another. I pray the Lord will allow my little ones to hold fast to the gospel, in spite of a mother who doesn't portray Christ and His love like I should....but am thankful for a Savior who will hold fast to us, in spite of our failings.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you guys! Looking forward to meeting Sims. It won't be until the fall, so I assume he'll be sleeping through the night by then...

    Much love from Utah!
