
Henry Scott - 8-3-08 - 8 months

To my son,

Today you are 8 months old! I cannot believe how fast the first year of your life is going. I can't even picture my life now without you and I can't remember life before you. You are a joy, a blessing...you are my treasure.
I'm pretty much hooked on you. How could I not be....almost every time you see me, you start clapping your hands. When I pick you up, you pat me on the back. It makes me so happy. Your sisters can't get enough on you either. They are always around you whenever you are awake. When Claire wakes up, she says, "where's my little buddy"? Kate always asks to feed you. They love you so much.
You are still a very good natured baby. You hardly ever cry. You just love to play and observe all that is going on around you.
The Lord is teaching me once again about the love He had for His Son through you. I am thankful to God for the way He created us and how he uses the first year of life to show us our need for Him. We are totally reliant on Him and I see that by the way you need us.
I am thankful beyond measure and love you more than I could ever say
All my love-

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