

Well, I finally did it....I went to the grocery store with all three children...all by myself! Up to this point, Rick was going to the store with me (since Henry's birth) but since my children don't go to Mother's Day Out and last I checked weren't going anywhere, I decided I needed to learn to run errands with the whole crew. Honestly, I had been wondering how this would work since I saw those 2 little lines on my pregnancy test with Henry. I looked around, did some research and decided to by a sling. I bought a hotsling based on some recommendations and I love it! (thanks emily h. and katy - meredith told me you liked yours) It's SO easy to pop your baby in and out of and then you still have both hands free. I tried a front carrier before and it was too much work with all the buckles, etc. I needed something simpler and this was it. It was money well spent and I can see myself using it for a long time. Going to the store turned out to be easy so now I know I can do it! I bought my sling from attachedtobaby.com and got it from the outlet section for half of what they retail for. I highly recommend this to any mom!


  1. Woohoo, I do love my Hotsling! My first question when I read this was, what did you do when Claire was little? The moms at the park and the grocery store staff didn't believe that Eli had a lower half until he was 5 months old! I still use it when I am running in somewhere I don't want to get the stroller out for, he just sits on my hip now. Enjoy!

  2. I carried that big car seat carrier around everywhere when Claire was little and then I'd try to hold onto Kate's hand...it was tough.
    People at the store were asking me if Henry was going to fall out. Ha!

  3. I may get one of those for baby #2. I had an Infantino sling & loved it, but I let someone borrow and now it's lost!! The hotslings sound more versitile, though.
